Closed Wound Drainage Set - La-med Kidi Vac Set
Small volume closed wound drainage under negative pressure. Specially designed for Laparoscopy and plastic surgery.
- Redon drain tube provided with RO line and smooth eyes for drainages from small closed wound.
- Smooth and atraumatic eyes for easy and smooth drainage also prevents from any post operative trauma.
- Bellow capacity of 50 ml to measure drainage volume from wound..
- Trocar needle assist in placement of catheter inside closed wound.
- Leak proof cap for easy operation.
- For small volume drainage
- Sizes 6, 8, 10 Fr
Ref/Art No. Gauge Packing (Inner/Outer unit)
SD0104-6 6F 100/100
SD0104-8 8F
SD0104-10 10F